Are you feeling drained by the transactional nature of traditional fundraising?
Many of the strategies and tactics we’ve been using have been handed down to us, with no regard for the social progress we’ve made! 

Traditional fundraising has centered the wealthy elite. Solutions to problems have been dictated by people that have never experienced those problems. This means our models can leave your service user in the margins, with little regard for the sense of belonging we strive for. 

Building on the success of Evolve Conference 2023, we’re determined to continue the conversation about community centric fundraising in public places to allow people the space, community and tools to evolve. Ahead of Evolve London 2024, join us at 9:30 GMT, 19th September for Evolve Online: the free event with Andy King, Genelle Aldred and Michelle Shireen Muri. 
We’ll cover: 
- What’s wrong with traditional fundraising 
- ⁠How to have difficult conversations 
 - ⁠What individuals, charities and the sector can do to improve 
You’ll leave equipped and inspired to fundraise in ways that give both your service user and your donor a sense of belonging. 

 Many thanks to Fireside Fundraising, Ethical Rainmaker and Charity People for sponsoring this event.
Andy King & Michelle Muri
Evolve Co-Founders

After Evolve London 2023, Rosanna said:
Evolve is a refreshing movement focussed on raising awareness of issues in our sector... leading us to question if the path we are on is the best option.... Just because we're raising money doesn't mean it's not causing harm. We need to recognise we aren't in this alone. 
Rosanna Armstong
Corporate Fundraiser

After Evolve London 2023, Sabina said:
I love that the starting point of the Evolve conference was that fundraising is problematic and there is a movement of activist fundraisers... It meant a lot to know that I'm not alone and that an anti-racist, anti-capitalist and more equitable way of moving money for social justice is possible.
Sabina Basi
Director of Funding, Communications & Transformative Partnerships
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