Ready to go from overworked and underappreciated to the leader your organisation relies on?

If you fell into fundraising with big dreams of making a difference, only to find that as you progressed you...

Got stuck in the middle of unrealistic expectations and a team that have their 'on button' held down with duct-tape

Were seen as the ugly sister of the service team Cinderella

Were expected to be able to court six figure gifts in a single email

...Then you're in the right place.

Imagine what it would feel like to smash your fundraising targets with ease and joy. ​

 What would it feel like to be in your management meetings with the data and anecdotal evidence you need, ensuring everyone else is nodding as you speak? 

 Wouldn't it be great to break out of 'automatic go mode', so you're able to respond with intention? See yourself leading a vibrant, joyful team who are getting things done - and everyone is excited to work for you.


Just imagine how many lives will change.

Introducing Fuel, where we help fundraising leaders to be the best they can be.

The Fuel membership programme exists to give you what you need to smash your fundraising targets, get the (multiple) jobs done, and help you stand out from the crowd. From fortnightly sessions with experts to monthly peer support sessions, we ensure you feel calm, confident and connected. 

 You'll break out of the ‘automatic go mode’ so many fundraisers find themselves in. You will be surrounded by people who 'get it', suddenly able to manage expectations and set clear targets. You'll have eyes on summaries of the latest research and trends, meaning you'll never miss an opportunity.

Hear from our current Fuellers
"I'm more confident in my decision making, and have a different outlook on fundraising and leadership. I'd recommend Fuel to any fundraising leader!"
Fuel participant, 2023
Health charity
"The community helped guide me through my first time setting realistic targets and equipped me to go back to my CEO to have a more realistic conversation."
Fuel participant, 2023
Social justice charity

""Fuel helped me put a voice to what is going on in my head.. it is so valuable to connect with other people doing similar roles in this way. Thank you, Fuel!"

Fuel participant, 2023
Professional support charity

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

What makes Fuel different to every other membership out there? 

 In Fuel we’re all about walking the walk. Just last year, I helped charities raise over 2 million GBP for their causes - many going from a standing start to bringing in sustainable, multi-year income. And I’m all about helping charities set realistic targets which are relevant for them. 

 We’re not going to help you hit your fundraising targets at the cost of your team. ‘Good’ isn’t you working on autopilot, getting no sleep for 30 days straight, or a team that is stressed to their eyeballs. 


We don’t just depend on traditional fundraising approaches. We check the research and get intentional about where we put our focus. 

 We’re not afraid to ask questions and re-examine the way we are doing things. After all, just because something works, doesn't mean it isn’t broken. 

 We also have a whole support team of specialist fundraisers who have decades of experience and are on-hand to help answer your burning questions. 

 In our commitment to redefining what good leadership looks like, this means redefining who we learn from. So we invite specialists from around the world to share their stories. In just six months, you'll be the fundraising leader you always knew you could be.

In Fuel, you'll get...

This is for you if...

  • You're in the first 5 years of a fundraising leadership position 
  •  You want to have a clear (or clearer), robust and realistic fundraising strategy in place. 
  • You want to get to a place where you are responding, rather than firefighting and reacting 
  •  You want to be equipped with the key information that back-up your leadership decisions 
  •  You're a kind, curious and driven individual who believes that fundraising can be the best job in the world

You have a choice. To stay as you are, right now, or join us inside of Fuel and within 6 months have the foundations you need to ignite your fundraising.

Right now, you might be thinking 'I don't have time for this’. But our members have found that Fuel actually saves you time because we give you the information you need when you need it. Or you might be thinking, I'm not sure I have the training budget for this, but here's the thing, to access all of the specialists across all areas of fundraising and leadership would cost you 20x more if you were to work with them all separately. Or you might be thinking, I don't know if this is what I need, but here's the thing, we've worked with fundraisers just like you who are having great results, increased confidence, and have already gained so much from the membership (and they're still in here so you can learn from them too!). ​ Now it would be easy to think 'I'll do this later' but our doors only open twice a year. If you don't act now it will be another 6 months until we open them up again (and by then you'll have gone through another, pain-staking round of setting targets based on opinion, rather than evidence... leaving you open to a deficit year). Are you ready to ignite your leadership potential?

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Standard or VIP package (includes coaching)?

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (£573.00)£573.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (£773.00)£773.00

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  • 1xFuel: for fundraising leaders£0

All prices in GBP